Program > Papers by speaker > Kohsaka Akira

The End of Miracle? China's Economic Growth Pattern
Akira Kohsaka  1@  
1 : Osaka University
1-1 Yamadaoka, Suita,Osaka 565-0871 -  Japan

Despite her recent “unprecedentedly” high and sustained economic growth, China has been long expected to suffer from sudden growth slowdown soon and eventually. We examine her growth pattern in the past three decades as income catching-up processes in developing economies such as those in East Asia, analyzing it in the conventional framework of economic growth based on an internationally comparable macroeconomic database. We find that her growth pattern is not exceptional in any sense, but very parallel with forerunners in East Asia, and that her growth is still in an early stage, so that we argue that her catching-up could be sustained, even if it were for possible short-term growth slowdowns. 

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