Technology in Africa: is the use of ICT making a decisive contribution to growth?
Sylvie Marie-Louise Eyeffa Ekomo  1, *@  , Désiré Avom  1@  , Gilles Dufrénot  2@  
1 : Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Yaoundé II-Soa
2 : Sciences Po Aix, CNRS, AMSE, Marseille France and CEPII
Sciences Po Aix, CNRS, AMSE, Marseille France and CEPII
* : Corresponding author

This paper investigates whether or not the access to and use of ICT can help African countries reduce their growth inefficiencies. Inefficiency is measured, on the one hand, by the gap between a country's growth rate and its own frontier, and on the other hand by the relative position of each country compared to the best achievers. We find that if countries were doing a better job of controlling corruption and improving citizen participation in politics, they would achieve higher growth efficiency performance by using ICT. When countries are compared with each other, considering the growth "frontier" as countries in the sample, then growth differentials are explained primarily by non-ICT factors of growth (human capital, schooling rates, capital growth rates, etc.). The role of ICT factors is secondary. But they contribute to growth to a greater extent for the best achievers (compared to the lowest and middle achievers) because they are better endowed with ICT factors than the others. 

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